Morganna Gundogs | Dog Breeder Derbyshire
Ch Morganna Star Anise JW ShCM – (Ruby ) made breed history becoming the first full UK champion. She’s the top bitch in the UK with a record 21CCs and 5 RCCs.
Ch Zoldmali Szeles Morganna JW (Tarot) made UK history by becoming the first male full champion in the breed. He is a field trial winner and has 13 CCs including Crufts, three times best in show at the HWVCGB championship show and 11 RCCs .
Their daughter Champion Morganna Anisette JW – (Dottie) has 3 CCs and 5 RCCs and is our third full champion with two field trial placings.
Aldozovolgyi-Drotos Dabas for Morganna (Dabas) – a kind, gentle companion and fabulous working dog with successful offspring in the showring, field trials, and companions.
Show Champion Morganna Anise (Stella) – our latest show champion (Sept 2022) at eighteen months. She is the daughter of Dottie and Dabas. Numerous best puppies in breed, Reserve best in show HWVCGB, four Challenge Certificates and four Reserve Challenge Certificates.
Morganna Anais Anais – (Nancy ) – our latest youngster and a repeat mating of Dabas and Dottie. Nancy was a lively puppy full of fun and mischief. She had a very promising start to her show career with regular puppy class wins at championship level – following in sister Stella’s footprints. Showing great potential in the field.
Afonydd Florence Morganna (Fizz) – bought as a puppy to offer new bloodlines. Fizz is bubbly, loving, biddable and wants to please – a super temperament. Russet coat and such a pretty little fuzzy face!
Champion Morganna Star Anise JW ShCM.
Ruby is the HWV bitch record holder and made breed history by becoming the first full champion in the breed gaining her working title at a field trial. Numerous best in show awards. Gentle, kind and talented she is a fabulous girl
Champion Zoldmali Szeles Morganna JW. Tarot is the breed’s first male full champion with novice and all aged field trials first placings. He has 13 Challenge Certificates and 11 reserve Challenge Certificates. Best in Show three times at the HWVCGB championship show. Best dog at Crufts, plus Reserve Best Dog twice. An exceptional dog in temperament, looks and ability. He has sired full champion, show champion and working offspring and many much loved companion dogs.
Champion Morganna Anisette JW – Dottie. An amazing show career with her first challenge certificate at the breed club championship show at 7 months. She has best puppy in show awards and best of breed at championship level. She gained her show champion title in July 2021 and is Morganna’s second home bred full champion with two field trial placings
Afonydd Florence Morganna – Fizz. Fizzy by name and fizzy by nature. Full of fun, a gentle, loving girl who has a good nose and enjoys all aspects of life. Super HWV temperament, biddable and eager to please.
Show Champion Morganna Anise – Stella – daughter of Dottie and Dabas. She was awarded three Challenge Certificates by 18 months and has since gained another CC plus five Reserve Challenge Certificates. She’s lively, energetic and a real character. She’s a good hunter and game finder and I’m training her for field work
Morganna Anais Anais – Nancy – photo at eight months. She’s another daughter of Dabas and Dottie. A winner at championship level. Looking forward to the future with this bundle of energy. She’s a fast, wide ranging hunter with a good nose but most importantly a gentle, loving girl who enjoys a cuddle with mum.
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